Who Is Dina Puc?

She is now been hospitalized since she had some toxins released into her blood while saving her granddaughter. She placed her own life in danger to save her grandchild. Those dogs were provided food by the elderly couple regularly as they gave them food because of their mercy towards those homeless dogs. And in the meantime, they attacked their grandchild. Later, the grandfather told them that those dogs may not like children but he didn’t expect them to attack her in such an aggressive manner. Dogs tried to eat the child from her face but Dina, the grandmother came to save her and threw herself in between the child and the dogs and got severely injured. Then dogs attacked her instead of a child. She is in critical condition by now and will be given surgical treatment. All the medical staff was impressed by how brave she acted while saving her grandchild. She is given certain treatments by now. Even after such a hard try the baby was still injured severely and got stitches in the face, neck, and chest although she’ll recover fast. While talking about her wife and grandchild, Robert Puc, grandfather of that little girl was so saddened and shattered by saying that fogs might hate the kids a lot as they attacked and tried to almost kill her. He even added about dogs being his own and part of the family. Dogs usually stayed in a very joyous mood with each and everyone along with strangers. He couldn’t understand why dogs were merciless with his very own little Granddaughter. He had been feeding them for so long and was even with his granddaughter while feeding them, they never tried to even smell her, god knows what happened to their last day. He later thanked god that his wife covered the toddler and protected her. He even added that she had saved the precious life of their grandchild, and she’ll be fine soon. She has to recover as she has a long way to go and watch their grandchild grow up. Some say dogs might have misunderstood the child as someone else and attacked her and while Dina tried to intervene they couldn’t control themselves and kept on their attacks. We pray for the speedy recovery of Dina. Our thoughts are with her family. May the child lives a long and healthy life.


Who Is Dina Puc  Australian Woman Fighting For Life After Saving Her 3 Years Old Granddaughter From Vicious Dog Attack  - 47Who Is Dina Puc  Australian Woman Fighting For Life After Saving Her 3 Years Old Granddaughter From Vicious Dog Attack  - 20Who Is Dina Puc  Australian Woman Fighting For Life After Saving Her 3 Years Old Granddaughter From Vicious Dog Attack  - 48