The story is revolving around a young guy by the name of Irfan Ahmad who is an Indian Institute of Technology gold medalist. But unfortunately, as all the students feel really pressurized during their academic and placement se was not able to pass his interview test and then he starts working part-time at a perfume outlet. He was fed up and frustrated with all the questions about his religious integrity and why he was working at perfume manufacturers. He has to travel all around the nation to gather the raw materials and Chemicals required for the manufacturing. But one day he was returning from Hyderabad after collecting all the materials and this was the day that changed it is whole existence. His mobile was lost and it was found near a bomb blast site quickly the police apprehended him and he is then declared a terrorist by the local authorities. It is a very new concept b not everyone is supporting the premises of the story as they are saying that it is really in-practical. The movie was not able to perform well in the theatres and even on online platforms. The soundtrack of the movie is not really good and no one is liking this song. All in all, it was a really e boring movie as mentioned by the reviewing sites. As for some controversial points, it was banned in Malaysia and Qatar. The shooting of this movie started back in December 2019 and the release of the movie was delayed due to coronavirus. We would be back with some more information from the entertainment world and newly released movies so till then stay tuned to their website.