Fedez Sclerosi Multipla Video

but recently there was some official confirmation on this matter as the rapper himself stated that he is completely fine and it is really shameful to circulate such rumours about media sites are trying to gain attention by using his name and they have been really successful in doing. his friends are not relieved by the confirmation given by The rapper himself and now they are celebrating but there is some bad news as well. although he stated that he has been diagnosed and the results will arrive soon but he was not looking really optimistic and positive. So it can mean that he may be suffering from health complexity but only theories and available as of now. He never suffered from any terminal disease in the past and there was no information available regarding his health reports in the past few years. Is not very active on various social networking sites but he still has millions of followers who really love him. barabar is currently 32 years old and recently herive that he has been working on a song after a really long time as he was not feeling he wanted to spend some quality time with his family and that’s why he was not available on Instagram and Facebook. is not listed on Wikipedia but he is a married man and have multiple children. his friends are showing support and love for him.we are still monitoring the words tuition and researching about the matter and we will be back with some more updates and information regarding this case.